The Water Changer installed in my well has saved the well and restored it to its original productivity.
My 600' deep, 1700 gpm irrigation well had become contaminated with iron bacteria. Water production had declined to less than 1000 gpm. I began a program of continuous chlorine and corrosion inhibitor injection, coupled with annual acid washing of the well casing. Each acid job restored most of the productivity, but there was gradual decline in post-acid water volume. I became concerned that corrosion by the acid and re-accumulations of iron bacteria would greatly
I have not spent a dime on acid, chlorine or corrosion inhibitors since installing the Water Changer.
shorten the life of the well. The cost of chemicals was also significant and increasing.
In somewhat of a state of desperation, I spoke with Bob Bishel of Water Changers at the Tulare Ag show. He told me of the results others had realized, but would not explain how the Water Changer did what he said. A few months later as my water rate dropped and PG&E charges rose, I was considering the cost of the Water Changer against the $100,000 cost of a new well. I opted for the Water Changer.
Today, four years later, the well is capable of 1700 gpm. I have not spent a dime on acid, chlorine or corrosion inhibitors since installing the Water Changer. Service of the unit is timely and courteous, and monitoring is continuous. I still don't know how it works, but I must say it has achieved my investment objectives.
John (Bakersfield, CA)
There is no longer any corrosive scale build up on any existing water pipes and fittings.
BLM's National Wild Horse and Burro Center, at Palomino Valley, is responsible for the health and care of thousands of animals that are held in the facility each year. Previous to June of 2003, the existing water well was producing water that was very high in Iron, Arsenic and dissolved solids. The water was not potable for human use. It was also very corrosive and had caused major damage to water pumps, pipes and water fittings. Due to the corrosiveness of this water, The National Wild Horse and Burro Center continually spent significant amounts of money replacing corroded fittings, pumps, parts, etc. The water also had a very strong sulfur odor to it (rotten eggs).
Since we installed the Iron Bacteria Unit and Scale unit in our water system purchased through Water Changers, Inc., The National Wild Horse and Burro Center has experienced significant improvements in the quality of our water. There is no longer any corrosive scale build up on any existing water pipes and fittings. The sulfur odor has disappeared and no longer apparent.
Listed below are the results of a water analysis conducted at this facility:
without Water Changers Unit |
with Water Changers Unit |
Iron Bacteria |
0.010 |
Iron Bacteria |
0 |
pH |
8.96 |
pH |
6.0 |
Hardness |
15.0 GPG |
Hardness |
2.0 GPG |
Thank You to Bob and Barbara Bishel with Water Changers, Inc. The installation of these units has resulted in a huge cost savings and has reduced the maintenance of our water system significantly at The National Wild Horse and Burro Center. I strongly recommend these units for any households, ag businesses, dairies, feedlots, etc. experiencing poor water conditions.
John (Sparks, NV)
Excerpt from an interview:
I just installed 300 acres of drip so I went with Water Changers unit, and I haven't treated in the last 3 years and haven't seen any plugging, no leaks in the field, running with no other treatments besides Water Changers.
Bottom line, I've just been making more money with Water Changers.
Last year I planted wheat, with the Water Changers, we ended up cutting 4.5 tons per acre, and it made 13% protein which is really hard to do with high tonnage. Our previous best was 3.2 tons per acre.
On our fresh market tomatoes its really important not to get moisture when you are harvesting, and the packers have notice that in the past we have always had the chimney effect, and now the ground is completely dry. The tomatoes are just huge, and we are going to get over 40 tons per acre.
Three years ago, when I started with Water Changers, I had a bell pepper crop, the plants got up to two feet tall. And when we picked them we got 21 tons per acre on the first harvest. Previous to that, the best we have done was 10 tons on first pick, four tons on second pick.
In summary on the Water Changers, the last three years I've had wheat, bell peppers, tomatoes and cotton, and the yields have gone up...at least 30% on several of these crops and the Water Changers units have made the difference.
Bottom line, I've just been making more money with Water Changers.
Dick (Stratford / Kettleman City, CA)
We are growers of 200 acres of outdoor cut flowers. In the past several years our crops began to show spotty deterioration, yellow foliage, snapped flower buds and loss of production. We discovered, after testing leaf samples, that we have a very rare foliar nematode. Further studies made by a nematologist lead us to find folier nematode contamination in our 300 acre foot water reservoir. At this point, his statement to us was find another source of water, and discard all existing plant stock, which,
...you cannot survive without a Water Changers Unit.
of course, was impossible. We had such a bad infestation that one irrigation would completely devastate the crop. We spent thousands of dollars on pesticides and still had no control.
Our PCA introduced us to the Water Changers Unit, this unit has saved our company. We would not be able to continue our flower growing operation. Not only has it cleared up our water, but we've noticed healthier growth, more production and our chemical cost has been cut by 50%. This unit is unbelievable, there are no words to explain what it has done for [our company]. Looking into the future of farming, we feel that you cannot survive without a Water Changers Unit. We thank our lucky stars, every day, that we have such a system, and look forward to learning more about it.
We would be happy to talk to any growers that have questions, and tell them about our remarkable experience with the Water Changers Unit.
Don, David, and Lisa (Pescadero, CA)
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been a PCA here in the San Joaquin Valley for over 20 years. I've spent most of that time working for fertilizer-chemical companies, the balance of it working as a private consultant.
...these units have a definite use...in the future of farming.
T.C. Rogers and I have worked together on this farm for over 20 years. We have consistently worked toward, as everyone does, producing higher yields for less expense. Several years ago Chip invested in and started using the Water [Changers] unit. I must admit, at first I was a little skeptical. But priding myself on being open and objective, I told Chip that I would help monitor this with an open mind. If it worked, even partially, we would use it to its highest capacity.
Well, it has worked much better than I anticipated. We have changed many of our programs. We use less fertilizer and insecticides. When Mother Nature allows, we maintain very high crop production, as well as very high quality. We take soil and tissue samples and use fertilizers and chemicals accordingly. We also attempt to apply them timely. Additionally, we use any newer products as they fit.
Therefore, I will say that I believe that these units have a definite use in today's farming as well as in the future of farming.
Bobby (San Joaquin Valley)
Excerpt from an interview:
The technology behind Water Changers improves my micro biology and the beneficials and its friendly to the environment.
I just recently bought a block of oranges that should have been pulled out that was getting between 14 and 15 bins an acre, and I put a Water Changers unit on it, and it's been about two to two and a half years now, and this last crop I'm...between 45 and 63 bins an acre.
I planted some young lemons, and for my first real crop I got over 20 bins an acre, which is pretty much unheard of for trees that are not even four years of age yet.
...you pretty much put half the fertilizer that you should
With the Water Changers unit I don't have to put huge amounts of anything on it. It lets it all go to work, it unlocks everything. The way that unit works is you pretty much put half the fertilizer that you should. Because it all goes to work, and makes everything available.
One thing about my sprinkler lines is they never plug up, there's never any algae or nothing inside the lines, so I don't have to run any chemicals to clean the lines out. All I do is irrigate, put fertilizer through my lines and that's all the maintenance I do, so I save a lot of money.
Brad (Reedley / Sanger, CA)
The unit is the first thing I have tried on this well and land that has shown a true profit from using it. Also I can see physical results in the soil and also in the plants. The new probe down the well has also further improved the results.
The only weakness or problem is that the probe didn't take away the iron staining on my irrigation system. It did however negate the bad effects of it on my crops.
So overall I am very happy with the unit and the company and service have been wonderful.
Rick (Cliften, ID)
Hi Dale,
Last year you and I talked about how we both had a few pivots that had high pH/sodium issues and how could we change this?
...sodium and pH were substantially reduced...
I spoke about putting a Water Changers on our 2 pivots we were most concerned about.
We were very pleased with our soil test results which showed that sodium and pH were substantially reduced after 1 year of irrigating with the Water Changers. Attached are the soil results for our 2 pivots from 2010 (without Water Changers) & 2011 (with Water Changers). Note the NA% and the pH. The soil looks sustainably better! And the crop really looked great! No more white crusting and dirt clods.
Talk to Bob Bishel @ Water Changers
Mention our name...that will help him know where you are coming from and what you need done.
He is very knowledgeable and his science has been proven to us.
Corrie and Tom (Grenora, ND)
*Customer references are available upon request.